Review of `Corners`

Reviews To Die For

Below is the link to the page where you can find reviews of the original book “From the corners of a wounded Mind”.

The last review for the book, before it was withdrawn is shown directly below.

You Should Read This Book

Every now and then I come across a book that stands a chance of making a real difference to other people’s lives. This is one such book. The usual fare served up by ex-Special Forces soldiers, entertaining as they may be, tend to glorify or sensationalise their unique craft. This is different.  Through a sensitive blend of prose and poetry it exposes the other, brutal side to the military, the bit so often hidden from view; the broken minds and the devastating long term effects of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). As nations we ask our military to routinely do things that only the bravest few of us would dare to do, to see things that no-one should have to see and to watch their friends, colleagues and innocent men women and children die in horrific circumstances. Then we ask them to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives. These people deserve our wholehearted life-long support. It takes a brave man to acknowledge human frailty in those we see as Teflon-coated and to bear his soul in the interests of his struggling ex-comrades. I salute Theo for his way of keeping these issues in the public consciousness.

You can find more reviews on the book by visiting the link below.

Amazon Reviews

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